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Physics so easy, a second grader could learn it!

 Light and sound. These are two very large concepts in the field of physics, but Pattison has shrunk the concepts dow...

Erosion: Learn the Importance of Dirt

Dirt is one of our most important national resources. Soil. The place where our food is grown. Learn about one of the...

The Corridor to the Wild

Ever heard of a wildlife corridor? I hadn't. Not until I googled it for research for this article. Wildlife bridges a...

It's Never Too Early for Christmas! DOWNLOAD THE LESSON PLAN

 What kind of person are you? Does Christmas start before thanksgiving? Before Halloween, even? Well, it's not even H...

Got Me a Cat - Early Chapter Book for Halloween

 A NEW RELEASE from Darcy Pattison! Got Me a Cat is a perfect read for the Halloween season! Got Me a Cat is a Hallo...

A.I. and the power of patterns!

 A.I. or Artificial Intelligence, is something we hear almost everyday! "This app uses A.I. to match your personality...

Six Spectacular images from Eclipse!

Darcy Pattison's non-fiction children's books are an exciting and engaging way to learn the wonders of science while ...

Nefertiti Takes to the Space Station!

 I've never liked spiders. Imagine a room crawling and filled with spiders. That nightmare sparked my mom's fear of...

The Women in STEM

 I'm not a STEM minded person, and I greatly admire the ones that are--especially the women! There are so many detail...

10 Fun Facts about Tu Youyou--The Woman Who Found a Cure!

Wanting to inspire young girls interested in science or STEM? Then you’ll NEED these facts about Tu Youyou–The woman ...

Jump into the new school year with Rosie!

 Looking for something to jump start the new school year? Do it with Rosie the Ribeter! As a part of the Extraordinar...

7 AWESOME things in the Dirty Dog lesson plan

Worksheets Included with the lesson plan for this book is a range of twenty individual printables that you can use...

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