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7 AWESOME things in the Dirty Dog lesson plan

7 AWESOME things in the Dirty Dog lesson plan

  1. Worksheets

Included with the lesson plan for this book is a range of twenty individual printables that you can use as a follow up to the book! These will help your students to organize and gather information for their essay.

2. Extra resources

Need some extra information? We got you! We’ve included a link to dog breeds divided into groups, and a link to an AKC activity on dog groups as well! There

3. Vocabulary

Looking to expand your student’s lexicon? Good! Because we have a list of words to introduce your students too, as well as the definitions of the words! 

4. Alternatives

Is something not quite working? That’s okay! We’ve provided alternative ideas for activities or workstations that you can easily graft into your lesson. 

5. Follow up questions

To really drive home the lesson, there’s a prompt for questions that you can ask your students about the different groups of dogs. Which kind is the fastest? Nicest? Etc. It really gets your students to think!

6. Activity set ups

Workstations are a great asset in the classroom. Included in the lesson plan for this book are plans for workstation, and how they can be set up. There’s lots of options! Your students will love it.

7. Computer/Technology

Matching the criteria for a dog to a specific breed can be a daunting challenge! But we’ve made it easy by including links to a website your students can visit. By doing this, they can match their criteria for a dog to a breed with ease!

These aren’t the only things you’ll find in the lesson plan for Dirty Dog. There’s so much more! You’ll find that teaching this lesson plan will be a breeze for both teacher and student. So what are you waiting for? Check out Dirty Dog!

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1 comment

  • I have purchased the book (I have several by Pattison). How you I obtain the lesson plan for Dirty Dog?

    Debbie Craven

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Children’s book author and indie publisher DARCY PATTISON writes award-winning fiction and non-fiction books for children. Five books have received starred PW, Kirkus, or BCCB reviews. Awards include the Irma Black Honor award, five NSTA Outstanding Science Trade Books, two Eureka! Nonfiction Honor book, two Junior Library Guild selections, two NCTE Notable Children’s Book in Language Arts, a Notable Social Studies Trade Book, an Arkansiana Award, and the Susannah DeBlack Arkansas Children’s History Book
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