For the kids who want to KNOW.
Who NEED to know MORE!

For the curious kids. No. The passionately curious kids.
Publisher & Author Darcy Pattison
Darcy Pattison is passionately curious about her world. Growing up in the mountains in New Mexico, she corralled lizards, chewed sandstone just to feel the gritty texture, threw rocks across a pond till one finally skipped eleven times, tromped through mountain streams, and learned to put swirls on the icing of a birthday cake.
She needed to understand the world. To know. To know even more.

She found worlds to explore in books. From Pooh Bear to Dr. Doolittle to the Hobbit. The real world expanded into imaginary worlds.
Today, Darcy brings that passionate curiosity to real and imaginary worlds, writing books that bring the worlds into focus for kids who also want to know, who need to know more.
Her stores evoke the wonder of our world. They bring satisfaction to kids who need to know. But always leaving them eager to know more.

Download Darcy's full bibliography.

We are located in the historic Quapaw District of Little Rock, AR in the Mims House. Our name comes from the name of our 1890 Victorian-era house that we use as our office. In this historic district, houses are named for the family who lived there in 1890. In our case, the Mims family were residents here in 1890.

For support, email SueFoster@mimshouse.com
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