Jump into the new school year with Rosie!
Looking for something to jump start the new school year? Do it with Rosie the Ribeter!
As a part of the Extraordinary Animals series, this book not only presents an educational story, but also a set of worksheets your students can complete that related to the book!
Content of the work sheets include: Anatomy of a toad, a coloring page, the history behind the Mark Twain story: The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County, and the differences between a frog and a toad.
This story isn't just a story from the past. It's still happening! Every year, Calaveras County, located in California, has held this jumping contest for over 90 years! People come from around the world to come see the frogs jump. Annual viewership can be as large as 40,000 people!
To learn more about the jumping contest, and Rosie's story, click the picture below to purchase Rosie the Ribeter!