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Build a family memory with Gingerbread!

Build a family memory with Gingerbread!


Need a great memory maker this holiday season? Make some gingerbread!


This book isn't just a story--It's got recipes too! Click on the image above to view this book's page on the Mimshouse website. Click the free lesson plan and SEL learning guide, and you'll find recipes for gingerbread and royal icing starting page 17.

You'll have the best gingerbread houses on the block! This activity also serves as a hands-on reinforcement of the lessons and themes discussed throughout the book.

Your aspiring engineers will love this activity this holiday season. As the snow falls cold, stay warm by filling your home with scent of freshly baked gingerbread!

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About Darcy Pattison

Children’s book author and indie publisher DARCY PATTISON writes award-winning fiction and non-fiction books for children. Five books have received starred PW, Kirkus, or BCCB reviews. Awards include the Irma Black Honor award, five NSTA Outstanding Science Trade Books, two Eureka! Nonfiction Honor book, two Junior Library Guild selections, two NCTE Notable Children’s Book in Language Arts, a Notable Social Studies Trade Book, an Arkansiana Award, and the Susannah DeBlack Arkansas Children’s History Book
award. She’s the 2007 recipient of the Arkansas Governor’s Arts Award for Individual Artist for her work in children’s literature. Her books have been translated into ten languages.

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