Terry Kole, Children's Illustrator
Terry Kole, Children's Illustrator
Terry Kole illustrates children's books and puzzles from her studio on the shores of Narragansett Bay in tiny Rhode Island.

"George Washington's Engineer" is her 6th children's book.
Her career has taken her from the industrial city of Detroit, where she created a weekly cartoon strip and was a daily illustrator for the Detroit News, to some of the most beautiful cities in Europe. She illustrated college level books while in Brussels and created info-graphics for the Associated Press while in NYC, Paris and Amsterdam. In Vienna she taught cartooning to students at the American International School.
Since arriving back in the USA, Terry has been teaching art to students from ages 10-80 through various art centers in New England. During the pandemic she found a larger art classroom via Zoom, with students from different states and as far away as the UK, Romania and Czech Republic.
While most of Terry's children's book illustrations have been done traditionally with acrylic paint on watercolor paper, her illustrations for "George Washington's Engineer" were done completely on her iPad Pro with the app Procreate. She loves the ease and convenience of creating digital art, but still loves the tactile experience and earthiness of painting.
Terry loves to see things grow: children, pets, plants, talent and bellies. She loves to feed people, and finds nothing quite as pleasurable as sitting around a table with family and friends having meaningful conversation while eating a good meal.
"There is nothing I have, that I haven't received."
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