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This 5-book series looks provides a nonfiction biography of a single animal, instead of a species. Click on the book covers for more information about each title.
- 2 Starred Reviews
- 2 NSTA Outstanding Science Trade Books
- Eureka! Nonfiction Honor (California Reading Association)
Animal Biographies - Nonfiction Picture Books
Introduce Kids to the Animal Kingdom with Biographies of a Bird, Mammal, Spider, Amphibian, and Reptile
This 5-book series includes biographies of the oldest known wild bird, an orphaned puma cub, a spider who went to space, the world-champion frog jumper, and a Galapagos tortoise who saved his species. Click on the book covers for full information on each book.
Wisdom, the Midway Albatross
The story of the oldest known wild bird in the world. At over 70 years old, she continues to lay eggs and hatch chicks. Read the story of her survival.
Starred Publisher's Weekly review.
Abayomi, the Brazilian Puma
When a puma cub is orphaned, how will he survive alone?
NSTA Outstanding Science Trade book
Nefertiti, the Spidernaut
The incredible true story of a Johnson jumping spider who lived on the International Space Station for 100 days.
NSTA Outstanding Science Trade book
Rosie, the Ribeter
The world record holder of the Calaveras County triple jump contest. This is Mark Twain's story come to life.
Diego, the Galapagos Giant Tortoise
How a tortoise helped save his species from extinction.