Halloween Festivities, Felines, and Friends
Halloween Story Struggles
Many spooky stories surround Halloween, telling mad tales of witches, vampires, and monsters. Such horrors exist purely to frighten young readers and haunt their nightmares. You’re probably wondering, how, as a concerned parent, do you celebrate this holiday without potentially traumatizing your kid?
Simple. Find adorable books with positive messages that happen to be set on Halloween night. Easier said than done, I’m afraid, so let us do the hard work for you. The following tale is one of the best Halloween books for kids of all ages to enjoy trauma-free. I hope you like cats.
Got Me a Cat
On Halloween Eve, as if by magic, a fluffy little cat appears to a young boy named Benjy. The two become fast friends and play together for a long time. In the late evening, Benjy’s mom calls him inside. She has a firm “no pets allowed” rule, so Benjy can’t keep the cat, much to his chagrin. The next morning, Benjy rescues the cat from the neighbors’ mean feline, Bobcat. The sweet little cat succeeds in winning over Benjy’s mom, and she lets Benjy keep her until they find her owner. In honor of the day he found her, Benjy names her Tricks.
He takes Tricks "Trick or Treating" with him that night. When he gets to the neighbor, Mrs. Currie's house, he’s surprised when a girl answers the door. Well, answers the door, yelling “Hey, that’s my cat!” and trying to snatch up Tricks. It turns out that the young girl is Mrs. Currie’s hearing-impaired granddaughter, and Tricks is her cat. They tussle over Tricks for a bit, but Benjy refuses to let go of “his” cat until the adults get involved and the girl, Erika, signs the word "stealing" at him.

From that night on, Benjy and Erika’s paths continue to cross. Benjy begins to partially release the idea that Tricks, a.k.a. Fluffy, is his cat, and Erika teaches him some signs. As the two slowly become friends, they form a sign language club, protect Tricks from the devilish Bobcat, and try unsuccessfully to convince Benjy’s parents to allow pets. Everything is going well until Erika gives Benjy some rough news: Tricks is going to be sent away!
Benjy, of course, didn’t take this news very well. This couldn’t be the only way! But what could they possibly do to enable the cat to stay? You’ll have to find out if this tale has a happy ending by reading this spooky story for yourself.