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Car driving in dust storm

Could We Save the Soil? Celebrate Earth Day!

Earth Day on April 22 began in 1970 as a way to bring attention to the growing environmental movement. Since then, 193 countries join in yearly to bring people together to discuss our blue planet and its future.

One important aspect of Earth Day is educating kids about the importance of taking care of the planet. In that spirit, we offer these Mims House Books for you to share with kids this year.

American Environmentalist - Hugh Bennett

During the Great Depression of the 1930s, the U.S. experienced an environmental disaster, the Dust Bowl. No rainfall and poor farming practices meant huge dust storms covered the Midwest. But one man, Hugh Bennett, knew what to do. He's studied soil for decades, even helping Cuba reclaim its farmlands from poor sugar cane agriculture. But even Hugh needed help.

Lincoln Memorial covered with dust
When a dust storm hit Washington D.C., it gave Bennett the leverage he needed to encourage lawmakers to create the Soil Conservation Service, the first law to protect the soil. Bennett's story is told in EROSION.
Lincoln Memorial in dust storm
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About Darcy Pattison

Children’s book author and indie publisher DARCY PATTISON writes award-winning fiction and non-fiction books for children. Five books have received starred PW, Kirkus, or BCCB reviews. Awards include the Irma Black Honor award, five NSTA Outstanding Science Trade Books, two Eureka! Nonfiction Honor book, two Junior Library Guild selections, two NCTE Notable Children’s Book in Language Arts, a Notable Social Studies Trade Book, an Arkansiana Award, and the Susannah DeBlack Arkansas Children’s History Book
award. She’s the 2007 recipient of the Arkansas Governor’s Arts Award for Individual Artist for her work in children’s literature. Her books have been translated into ten languages.

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