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about the book
- by Darcy Pattison
- illustrated by Jordan Kim
- 8.5" X 8.5"
- 32 pages
- NP L
Chosen as a Children's Book Council Hot off the Press book!

2023 Eureka! Nonfiction Honor Book from the California Reading Association
Award-winning science writer Darcy Pattison presents a superbloom from the desert’s point-of-view.
When a sudden downpour, a monsoon, falls in the desert, plants and animals explode with growth. Plants sprout, bloom, produce seeds and die within a couple days. Likewise, in a week, animals hatch, grow, mate, lay eggs, and return to hibernation or estivation.
Strong lyrical text takes on the persona of the desert as it watches seeds it has cradled become flowering plants.
“…I’m flooded with redbluegreenyelloworangepurple
and buzzing with life—
gorgeous, outrageous,
frail LIFE!”
As the heat builds, the desert grieves that the color and life is so brief. “One day they bloomed, a single day, a rare day—already yesterday.”
The natural life cycles of the desert depend on rain. Explore this fascinating environment during one of its most spectacular displays of life.
Interview with Darcy Pattison about using poetry in science books.
Illustrator Jordan Kim's art process.
Having grown up among artists and playing in the creeks and woods around her home, Jordan Kim has always had deep love for both art and the outdoors. She holds an advanced degree in environmental management and worked for many years as an ecologist before turning her attention full time to her art business, Found & Rewound. Jordan makes paper collages with a twist. People often describe her work as “painting with paper.” She uses re-purposed paper (junk mail, magazines, packaging, etc.) to create intricate collages and often incorporates hidden messages into her art. Her mission is to inspire us to honor our connection to each other and the natural world. Jordan lives in Parkdale, Oregon near Mt. Hood, in the heart of the beautiful Columbia River Gorge. You can learn more about Jordan, her artwork, and classes on her website at www.foundandrewound.com.